Friday, January 8, 2010


hey guys, really boring day today again. really regret paying the 1500 bucks to suck my holidays away. at least i get to study. stayed back after the class to study and to pass to jan the yjc chem papers tt i helped her print out (a*hem 7 *cough* pm). haha anyways i enjoy helping pple so staying back for a little while wasnt tt big a deal. anyways ill start on my qt first and update abt my life ltr:)

well today's qt is on Luke 12:13-21. go read it first. well srsly i feel really guilty after reading this passage as im always caught by earthly treasures. money, games, COMICS. well i noe tt me buying these things arent bad but sometimes i find myself more focused on getting these earthly treasures tt i neglect to use the money for heavenly treasures. i mean i dont help pple for the heavenly treasures but i find myself not willing to help pple cos i would rather keep the money tt i have to buy something tt i want. well thank God tt i have been changing more and more especially since last yr and this passage has also reminded me of how much God has changed me and now i dont really mind spending money to help pple out.

well earthly treasures may seem very attractive but there is really no greater joy than using these treasures for heavenly purposes. so lets all use our earthly treasures to help others instead of keeping them to ourselves. use our earthly treasures to bless other pple. i mean tts wad i believe why we are blessed with so many earthly treasures. its to share the blessings with other pple and to show them God's love. even if u do not have many earthly treasures, share wad u have. wads the use of earthly treasures anyways if we dont use them to show God's love since we cant take them with us to heaven.

haha well tts it for my qt. tmr yet again im going to sch. might be having dinner at ikea if everything goes rite. pray tt the paint store at dover has the varnish tt jiap needs cos if not i might have to make my way to somewhere else to find it. well pls pray for me too tt ill be able to last through the class tmr and tt ill be able to study well even with the noise of the ogls cheering. but more imptantly, pls pray for the ogls again. i can see tt they are really really really tired after everyday and like 3 days in a row of cheering and high-ness is really no joke so pls pray for them to have the strength to last through the last day and for them to stay healthy and safe tmr. well tts it from me today. gonna turn in nowz. cyas:)

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